外国的礼物 & 合同报告

在杜, our departments are sustained 和 enriched by international partnerships 和 the generosity of our global community. Section 117 of the Higher Education Act (20 U.S.C. § 1011f) requires higher education institutions to report to the Department of Education all contracts with 和 gifts 从 a foreign source that are valued at $250,000 or more when combined with any other contracts with 和 gifts 从 that foreign source 在一个日历年内.

We require departments to internally report all foreign gifts or contracts valued at 5,000美元或以上.

Our process takes into account that separate DU units could receive foreign gifts 和 contracts that are individually less than $250,000 but nevertheless amount to $250,000 or more when they are combined over the course of a calendar year with other units' foreign gifts 和 contracts 从 the same source.

完成这份外国礼物 & 合约报告调查 to submit a report to our department

  • 什么是“外国来源”?

    20 USC § 1011f(h)(2) defines "Foreign Source" as:

    • a foreign government, including an agency of a foreign government;
    • 法人实体, 政府或其他机构, created solely under the laws of a foreign state or states;
    • an individual who is 不 a citizen or a national of the United States or a trust territory or protectorate thereof; 和
    • 一个代理, including a subsidiary or affiliate of a foreign legal entity, acting on behalf of a foreign source.
  • What is a "contract with a foreign source"?

    Any agreement for the acquisition of property or services by a foreign source; agreements to purchase property or services 国外的来源是 可报告的.

  • What is a "gift 从 a foreign source"?

    Any gift of money or property received 从 a foreign source.

  • Where can I find additional information about the law?

    Department of Education's resource page contains guidance 从 the Department of Education, as well as an online searchable database of 外国的礼物 & Contract reporting data submitted by all US institutions.


  • 谁负责报告?

    Each DU unit that receives a gift 从 a foreign source or enters into a contract for the acquisition of property or services by a foreign source is responsible for ensuring that the gift or contract is reported to our department if the gift or contract is valued at 5,000美元或以上.

  • What is the process for units to report to our department, 和 what data must be reported?

    我们开发了一个 外国的礼物 & 合约报告调查 that prompts respondents to provide all of the required information; units must use this survey to submit reports to us. Required information includes but is 不 limited to: gift/contract amount, 外源名称和地址, date gift was received 和 contract start/end dates.

  • What does the Department of 企业风险管理 do with the reported data?

    We first determine which (if any) reported foreign gifts 和 contracts amount to $250,000+ when combined with other reported foreign gifts 和 contracts. For each gift or contract that meets this threshold, we send the reported data to DU's 财政援助办公室. Financial Aid is then responsible for submitting final reports to the Department of Education.

  • What is the deadline for units to report to 企业风险管理?

    All units must ensure that their foreign gift 和 contract reports are submitted to us (using our 外国的礼物 & 合约报告调查 1月7日或7月7日, whichever is sooner, in the calendar year that the gift was received or the contract was executed. Meeting this deadline will ensure that our department 和 the 财政援助办公室 have adequate time to review 和 submit the reports to the Department of Education each January 31 和 July 31, 按照法律的要求.
